Many buyers of PVC windows are interested to know something about the production process before windows are delivered to their home. For curious people we prepared a brief description of the main stages of plastic windows production process.
In the production process there are the following main stages:
- Profile cutting: At this stage, the plastic profile is cut in the quantity required for the manufacture of sashes, mullions and frames.
- Reinforcement cutting: At this stage we cut a metal amp with the special saw. It gives strength to the entire window and is made of galvanized steel. Then we make steel cut of necessary length. This segment will be inserted into the profile and fixed with special screws.
- Milling of grooves: as a result of condensation water can appear under the glazing, therefore it is necessary to provide special grooves for drainage. Therefore, milling of the drainage grooves in the profile required.
- Milling of the mullion: The end of the transverse partition is processed to the desired length on the milling machine using special cutter. Thus prepared mullion after welding is inserted into the frame.
- Welding phase: At the stage of welding the window frame is almost ready, because the pieces obtained in previous steps to weld the finished design.
- Milling angles: No matter how carefully welding was performed, it leaves marks on the seams and can interfere the normal operation of the window. Therefore, after welding of the workpieces milling of angles must be done.
- Fittings installation: all necessary fittings are installed before glazing. At this stage, we connect the sash and frame in accordance with the drawing. After installing fittings we are definitely convinced that it works flawlessly.
- The final stage. At the last stage we insert glass inspect the whole construction. With special plastic pads our specialists are bursting glass in the sash and frame so that the design has acquired the maximum possible rigidity. Then fittings will be regulated and adjusted. Glazing is inserted into the frame, which will then be aligned with wedges.
When all the above production steps are completed, the finished window will be packed, delivered to the warehouse, and from there to your home.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?